Valve Inserter Unit

Machine Code : VA-1

The Valve Throwing Unit carries valves towards the turning table  through the aspiration pipe and throws inside the empty cans.

The unit is provided by a valve control head which stops the turning table when there is no valve on the can. 


Gas Pressure

8 -10 bar

Production Capasity

70 cans / min

Air Consumption

10 lt /min





Keywords : aerosol filling machine, aerosol filling and crimping machine, spray filling machine, aerosol dolum makinası, aerosol dolum ve kapatma makinası, sprey dolum makinası, filling machine, dolum makinası, gas filling machine, gaz dolum makinası, liquid filling machine, likit dolum makinası, aerosol cans, aerosol kutusu, aerosol cans filling machine, aerosol kutu dolum makinası, full automatic aerosol filling machine,  semi-automatic aerosol filling machine, manual aerosol filling machine, tam otomatik aerosol dolum makinası, yarı otomatik aerosol dolum makinası, manuel aerosol dolum makinası, aerosol valve inserter unit, aerosol valf atma ünitesi